Source code for pyhpo.term

from operator import or_
from functools import reduce, lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from backports.cached_property import cached_property

from pyhpo.config import MODIFIER_IDS
from pyhpo.similarity import SimScore
from pyhpo.annotations import GeneSingleton
from pyhpo.annotations import OmimDisease, DecipherDisease, OrphaDisease
from pyhpo.parser.generics import id_from_string

[docs]class InformationContent(BaseModel): """ InformationContent contains automatically calculated IC based on direct/indirect associations with genes, omim, orpha and decipher. IC instances are created automatically and accessed through :class:`pyhpo.term.HPOTerm` instances. Users can also register and calculate custom IC scores via :func:`pyhpo.term.InformationContent.set_custom`. """ gene: float = 0.0 # Gene based IC omim: float = 0.0 # OMIM based IC orpha: float = 0.0 # OrphaNet based IC decipher: float = 0.0 # Decipher based IC custom: Dict[str, float] = Field(default_factory=dict) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> float: """ The IC is frequently accessed dynamically. e.g. in PyhPOAPI the kind of IC is specified in the query (omim / gene) Due to this, a dynamic access method is provided .. code-block:: python ic_kind = 'omim' term.information.content[ic_kind] """ try: return float(self.__getattribute__(key)) except AttributeError as err: if key in self.custom: return self.custom[key] else: raise AttributeError from err
[docs] def set_custom(self, key: str, value: float) -> None: """ Set the IC of a custom score Parameters ---------- key: str The name of the information-content metric value: float The actual information content **Example:** :: for term in Ontology: # For some reason, you want to base the information content # on the depths of the Term in the ontology term.setcustom('depth', term.shortest_path_to_root()) # and now calculate similarity of two sets my_similarity = term_set_1.similarity(term_set_2, kind='depth') """ self.custom[key] = value
[docs]class HPOTerm(BaseModel): """ An HPOTermBase instance can be build solely by itself, without knowledge of the actual Ontology """ # Always present and mandatory id: str """ The HPO identifier """ name: str """ The name of the HPO term """ # Mandatory, calculated during initialization index: int """ The integer representation of the HPO identifier """ _hash: int # Mandatory for HPOTerm, but not always present in input comment: str = '' definition: str = '' _is_a: List[str] = [] synonym: List[str] = [] xref: List[str] = [] alt_id: List[str] = [] # Special logic for some obsolete terms is_obsolete: bool = False replaced_by: Optional[str] = None consider: List[str] = [] # Computed once all HPO Terms are present in the Ontology parents: Set['HPOTerm'] = set() children: Set['HPOTerm'] = set() genes: Set[GeneSingleton] = set() omim_diseases: Set[OmimDisease] = set() omim_excluded_diseases: Set[OmimDisease] = set() orpha_diseases: Set[OrphaDisease] = set() orpha_excluded_diseases: Set[OrphaDisease] = set() decipher_diseases: Set[DecipherDisease] = set() decipher_excluded_diseases: Set[DecipherDisease] = set() information_content: InformationContent = InformationContent() """ The :class:`.InformationContent` of the HPO term. Multiple kinds of IC are automatically calculated, others can be manually calculated. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore kwargs['index'] = id_from_string(kwargs['id']) super().__init__(**kwargs) self._hash = hash(( self.index, )) self._is_a = kwargs.get('is_a', []) @cached_property def all_parents(self) -> Set['HPOTerm']: hierarchy_set = reduce( or_, [set(path) for path in self.hierarchy] ) hierarchy_set.remove(self) return hierarchy_set @cached_property def hierarchy(self) -> Tuple[Tuple['HPOTerm', ...], ...]: """ Calculates all paths from current term to Root term and returns each path as a Tuple of HPOTerms .. note:: This function is expensive. To ensure better performance, the result is cached and all subsequent calls utilize the cache. Don't call ``hierarchy`` before the Ontology is fully built with all items. Returns ------- tuple of tuple of :class:`.HPOTerm` s Tuple of paths. Each path is another tuple made up of HPOTerms """ if not self.parents: return ((self,),) paths: List[Tuple['HPOTerm', ...]] = [] for parent in self.parents: for path in parent.hierarchy: paths.append((self,) + path) return tuple(paths) @cached_property def is_modifier(self) -> bool: return int(self) in MODIFIER_IDS or bool( MODIFIER_IDS & {int(x) for x in self.all_parents} )
[docs] def parent_ids(self) -> List[int]: return [ id_from_string(item) for item in self._is_a ]
[docs] def parent_of(self, other: 'HPOTerm') -> bool: """ Checks if ``self`` is a direct or indirect parent of ``other``. Parameters ---------- other: :class:`.HPOTerm` HPOTerm to check for lineage dependency Returns ------- bool Is the HPOTerm a direct or indirect parent of another HPOTerms """ return other.child_of(self)
[docs] def child_of(self, other: 'HPOTerm') -> bool: """ Checks if ``self`` is a direct or indirect child of ``other``. Parameters ---------- other: :class:`.HPOTerm` HPOTerm to check for lineage dependency Returns ------- bool Is the HPOTerm a direct or indirect child of another HPOTerms """ if self == other: raise RuntimeError('An HPO term cannot be parent/child of itself') return other in self.all_parents
[docs] def common_ancestors(self, other: 'HPOTerm') -> Set['HPOTerm']: """ Identifies all common ancestors of two HPO terms Parameters ---------- other: :class:`.HPOTerm` Target HPO term for path finding Returns ------- set Set of common ancestor HPOTerms """ # Return the intersection of all ancestors of self and other. # Consider the following edge cases: # - self is in other.all_parents # - other is in self.all_parents # To account for these edge cases, # we first add self to self.all_parents # and other to other.all_parents self_ancestors: Set['HPOTerm'] = ( self.all_parents | set([self]) ) other_ancestors: Set['HPOTerm'] = ( other.all_parents | set([other]) ) return self_ancestors & other_ancestors
[docs] def longest_path_to_root(self) -> int: """ Calculates the longest path to root Returns ------- int Maximum number of nodes until the root HPOTerm """ return max([ len(h)-1 for h in self.hierarchy ])
[docs] def shortest_path_to_root(self) -> int: """ Calculates the shortest path to root Returns ------- int Minimum number of nodes until the root HPOTerm """ return min([ len(h)-1 for h in self.hierarchy ])
[docs] def shortest_path_to_parent( self, other: 'HPOTerm' ) -> Tuple[int, Tuple['HPOTerm', ...]]: """ Calculates the shortest path to another HPO Term Parameters ---------- other: HPOTerm parent HPOTerm instance Returns ------- int Minimum number of nodes until the specified HPOTerm (float('inf') if ``other`` is not a parent.) tuple Tuple of all HPOTerm instances on the path (``None`` if ``other`` is not a parent) """ if other not in self.all_parents and self != other: raise RuntimeError( f'{} is not a parent of {}' ) return_tuples: List[Tuple[int, Tuple['HPOTerm', ...]]] = [] for path in self.hierarchy: try: i = path.index(other) return_tuples.append((i, path[:i+1])) except ValueError: pass try: return sorted( return_tuples, key=lambda x: x[0] )[0] except IndexError as err: raise RuntimeError( f'Unable to determine path to parent term {}' ) from err
[docs] def longest_path_to_bottom(self, level: int = 0) -> int: """ Calculates how far the most distant child is apart Parameters ---------- level: int Offset level to indicate for calculation Default: 0 Returns ------- int: Number of steps to most distant child """ if len(self.children): return max([ child.longest_path_to_bottom(level + 1) for child in self.children ]) else: return level
[docs] def path_to_other( self, other: 'HPOTerm' ) -> Tuple[int, Tuple['HPOTerm', ...], int, int]: """ Identifies the shortest connection between two HPO terms Parameters ---------- other: HPOTerm Target HPO term for path finding Returns ------- int Length of path tuple Tuple of HPOTerms in the path int Number of steps from term-1 to the common parent int Number of steps from term-2 to the common parent """ common = self.common_ancestors(other) paths = [] for term in common: path1 = self.shortest_path_to_parent(term) path2 = other.shortest_path_to_parent(term) total_path = path1[1] + tuple(reversed(path2[1]))[1:] paths.append(( int(path1[0] + path2[0]), total_path, int(path1[0]), int(path2[0]) )) return sorted(paths, key=lambda x: x[0])[0]
[docs] def count_parents(self) -> int: """ Calculates total number of ancestral HPO Terms Returns ------- int The number of all ancestral HPO Terms """ return sum([ parent.count_parents() + 1 for parent in self.parents ])
[docs] def similarity_score( self, other: 'HPOTerm', kind: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None ) -> float: """ Calculate the similarity between this and another HPO-Term It uses :class:`pyhpo.similarity.base._Similarity` underneath Parameters ---------- other: `HPOTerm` Other HPO term to compare similarity to kind: str, default ``''`` Which kind of information content should be calculated. Default option is defined in `pyhpo.similarity.base._Similarity` Available options: * **omim** * **orpha** * **decipher** * **gene** method: string, default ``''`` The method to use to calculate the similarity. Default option is defined in `pyhpo.similarity.base._Similarity` Available options: * **resnik** - Resnik P, Proceedings of the 14th IJCAI, (1995) * **lin** - Lin D, Proceedings of the 15th ICML, (1998) * **jc** - Jiang J, Conrath D, ROCLING X, (1997) Implementation according to R source code * **jc2** - Jiang J, Conrath D, ROCLING X, (1997) Implementation according to paper from R ``hposim`` library Deng Y, et. al., PLoS One, (2015) * **rel** - Relevance measure - Schlicker A,, BMC Bioinformatics, (2006) * **ic** - Information coefficient - Li B, et. al., arXiv, (2010) * **graphic** - Graph based Information coefficient - Deng Y, et. al., PLoS One, (2015) * **dist** - Distance between terms * Additional methods can be registered separately ( see :class::`pyhpo.similarity.base._Similarity`) """ return SimScore(self, other, kind, method)
@lru_cache(maxsize=128) def cached_similarity_score( self, other: 'HPOTerm', kind: str = '', method: str = '' ) -> float: """ This is a LRU-chached alias of :func:`pyhpo.term.HPOTerm.similarity_score` """ return self.similarity_score(other, kind, method)
[docs] def toJSON( self, verbose: bool = False ) -> dict: """ Creates a JSON-like object of the HPOTerm Parameters ---------- verbose: bool, default ``False`` Include extra properties Returns ------- dict A dictionary with the main properties of the HPOTerm **Example:** :: >>> terms[2].toJSON() { 'name': 'Abnormality of body height', 'id': 'HP:0000002', 'int': 2 } >>> terms[2].toJSON(verbose=True) { 'name': 'Abnormality of body height', 'synonym': ['Abnormality of body height'], 'comment': None, 'def': '"Deviation from the norm of height with respect [...]', 'xref': ['UMLS:C4025901'], 'is_a': ['HP:0001507 ! Growth abnormality'], 'id': 'HP:0000002', 'int': 2 } """ res = { 'int': int(self), 'id':, 'name': } if verbose: res['definition'] = self.definition res['comment'] = self.comment res['synonym'] = self.synonym res['xref'] = self.xref res['is_a'] = self._is_a res['ic'] = self.information_content.dict() return res
def to_obo(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError('Method is missing') def __hash__(self) -> int: """ The hash is precalcuated during initialization """ return self._hash def __int__(self) -> int: return self.index def __eq__(self, t2: Any) -> bool: return hash(self) == hash(t2) and isinstance(t2, HPOTerm) def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return int(self) < int(other) def __str__(self) -> str: return '{} | {}'.format(, def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"HPOTerm(id='{}', name='{}', " f"is_a={self._is_a})" ) class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True underscore_attrs_are_private = True keep_untouched = (cached_property, ) allow_mutation = True