Source code for pyhpo.similarity.base

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Type

from pydantic import BaseModel

import pyhpo

class _Similarity(BaseModel):
    dispatch: Dict['str', 'SimilarityBase'] = {}
    kind = 'omim'
    method = 'graphic'

    def __call__(
        term1: 'pyhpo.HPOTerm',
        term2: 'pyhpo.HPOTerm',
        kind: Optional[str] = '',
        method: Optional[str] = ''
    ) -> float:
        kind = kind or self.kind
        method = method or self.method
            similarity = self.dispatch[method]
        except KeyError as err:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Unknown method {method} to calculate similarity'
            ) from err

        dependencies: List[float] = [
            self(term1, term2, kind, dep) for dep in similarity.dependencies

        return similarity(term1, term2, kind, dependencies)

    def register(
        name: str,
        similarity_class: Type['SimilarityBase']
    ) -> None:
        self.dispatch[name] = similarity_class()

[docs]class SimilarityBase: """ Base class to use for custom similarity calculations. Custom implementation must inherit from :class:`pyhpo.similarity.base.SimilarityBase` and provide a ``__call__`` method with the same signature as :func:`pyhpo.similarity.base.SimilarityBase.__call__` You can also provide a list of ``dependencies`` of other similarity methods that should be called beforehand. Results of these calls will be passed as ``dependencies`` parameter to the ``__call__`` method. """ dependencies: List[str] = []
[docs] def __call__( self, term1: 'pyhpo.HPOTerm', term2: 'pyhpo.HPOTerm', kind: str, dependencies: List[float] ) -> float: """ This method does the actual calculation of the similarity. This method must be provided in all custom similarity classes Parameters ---------- term1: One of the two terms to compare term2: The other of the two terms to compare kind: This can be an extra parameter, ususally ``omim`` or ``gene`` to specify which annotations to consider for similarity depdencies: A list of other calculation-results that should be calculated beforehand. This is not needed at all, but helpful if your implementation builds on an already existing similarity calculation. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'A similarity class requires a __call__ function' )
SimScore = _Similarity()