Source code for pyhpo.set

import warnings
from typing import Iterable, Set, List, Iterator, Union, Tuple

import pyhpo
from pyhpo.ontology import Ontology
from pyhpo.matrix import Matrix

[docs]class HPOSet(set): def __init__(self, items: Iterable['pyhpo.HPOTerm']) -> None: set.__init__(self, items) self._list: List['pyhpo.HPOTerm'] = list(items) def add(self, item: 'pyhpo.HPOTerm') -> None: """ Overwrites ``set.add`` to ensure we keep the ``self._list`` property updated as well. """ if item not in self: set.add(self, item) self._list.append(item) def update( # type: ignore[override] self, items: Iterable['pyhpo.HPOTerm'] ) -> None: """ Overwrites ``set.update`` to ensure we keep the ``self._list`` property updated as well. """ for item in items: self.add(item)
[docs] def child_nodes(self) -> 'HPOSet': """ Return a new HPOSet tha contains only the most specific HPO term for each subtree It basically will return only HPO terms that do not have descendant HPO terms present in the set Returns ------- HPOSet HPOSet instance that contains only the most specific child nodes of the current HPOSet """ counter = { 0 for term in self} for child, parent in self.combinations(): if child.child_of(parent): counter[] += 1 return HPOSet([ term for term in self if counter[] == 0 ])
[docs] def remove_modifier(self) -> 'HPOSet': """ Removes all modifier terms. By default, this includes * ``Mode of inheritance: 'HP:0000005'`` * ``Clinical modifier: 'HP:0012823'`` * ``Frequency: 'HP:0040279'`` * ``Clinical course: 'HP:0031797'`` * ``Blood group: 'HP:0032223'`` * ``Past medical history: 'HP:0032443'`` Returns ------- HPOSet HPOSet instance that contains only ``Phenotypic abnormality`` HPO terms """ return HPOSet([ term for term in self if not term.is_modifier ])
[docs] def replace_obsolete(self, verbose: bool = False) -> 'HPOSet': """ Replaces obsolete terms with the replacement term .. warning:: Not all obsolete terms have a replacement Parameters ---------- verbose: bool, default: ``False`` Print warnings if an obsolete term does not have a replacement. Returns ------- HPOSet A new HPOSet """ ids: Set['pyhpo.HPOTerm'] = set() for term in self: if term.is_obsolete: try: replaced = Ontology.get_hpo_object( term.replaced_by ) ids.add(replaced) except TypeError: warnings.warn( 'The term {} is obsolete and has no replacement.' .format(term), UserWarning) else: ids.add(term) return HPOSet(ids)
[docs] def all_genes(self) -> Set['pyhpo.GeneSingleton']: """ Calculates the union of the genes attached to the HPO Terms in this set Returns ------- set of :class:`annotations.Gene` Set of all genes associated with the HPOTerms in the set """ genes = set() for term in self: genes.update(term.genes) return genes
[docs] def omim_diseases(self) -> Set['pyhpo.OmimDisease']: """ Calculates the union of the Omim diseases attached to the HPO Terms in this set Returns ------- set of :class:`annotations.Omim` Set of all Omim diseases associated with the HPOTerms in the set """ omims = set() for term in self: omims.update(term.omim_diseases) return omims
def orpha_diseases(self) -> Set['pyhpo.OrphaDisease']: """ Calculates the union of the Omim diseases attached to the HPO Terms in this set Returns ------- set of :class:`annotations.Omim` Set of all Omim diseases associated with the HPOTerms in the set """ orphas = set() for term in self: orphas.update(term.orpha_diseases) return orphas def decipher_diseases(self) -> Set['pyhpo.DecipherDisease']: """ Calculates the union of the Omim diseases attached to the HPO Terms in this set Returns ------- set of :class:`annotations.Omim` Set of all Omim diseases associated with the HPOTerms in the set """ deciphers = set() for term in self: deciphers.update(term.decipher_diseases) return deciphers
[docs] def information_content(self, kind: str = '') -> dict: """ Gives back basic information content stats about the HPOTerms within the set Parameters ---------- kind: str, default: ``omim`` Which kind of information content should be calculated. Options are ['omim', 'orpha', 'decipher', 'gene'] Returns ------- dict Dict with the following items * **mean** - float - Mean information content * **max** - float - Maximum information content value * **total** - float - Sum of all information content values * **all** - list of float - List with all information content values """ if not kind: kind = 'omim' res = { 'mean': None, 'total': 0, 'max': 0, 'all': [term.information_content[kind] for term in self] } res['total'] = sum(res['all']) # type: ignore res['max'] = max(res['all']) # type: ignore res['mean'] = res['total']/len(self) # type: ignore return res
[docs] def variance(self) -> Tuple[float, int, int, List[int]]: """ Calculates the distances between all its term-pairs. It also provides basic calculations for variances among the pairs. Returns ------- tuple of (int, int, int, list of int) Tuple with the variance metrices * **float** Average distance between pairs * **int** Smallest distance between pairs * **int** Largest distance between pairs * **list of int** List of all distances between pairs """ distances = [] for term_a, term_b in self.combinations_one_way(): distances.append(term_a.path_to_other(term_b)[0]) if len(distances): return ( sum(distances)/len(distances), min(distances), max(distances), distances ) else: return (0, 0, 0, [])
[docs] def combinations(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[ 'pyhpo.HPOTerm', 'pyhpo.HPOTerm' ]]: """ Helper generator function that returns all possible two-pair combination between all its terms This function is direction dependent. That means that every pair will appear twice. Once for each direction .. seealso:: :func:`pyhpo.set.HPOSet.combinations_one_way` Yields ------ Tuple of :class:`term.HPOTerm` Tuple containing the follow items * **HPOTerm** instance 1 of the pair * **HPOTerm** instance 2 of the pair Examples -------- :: ci = HPOSet([term1, term2, term3]) ci.combinations() # Output: [ (term1, term2), (term1, term3), (term2, term1), (term2, term3), (term3, term1), (term3, term2) ] """ for term_a in self._list: for term_b in self._list: if term_a == term_b: continue yield (term_a, term_b)
[docs] def combinations_one_way(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[ 'pyhpo.HPOTerm', 'pyhpo.HPOTerm' ]]: """ Helper generator function that returns all possible two-pair combination between all its terms This methow will report each pair only once .. seealso:: :func:`pyhpo.set.HPOSet.combinations` Yields ------ Tuple of :class:`term.HPOTerm` Tuple containing the follow items * **HPOTerm** instance 1 of the pair * **HPOTerm** instance 2 of the pair Example ------- :: ci = HPOSet([term1, term2, term3]) ci.combinations() # Output: [ (term1, term2), (term1, term3), (term2, term3) ] """ for i, term_a in enumerate(self._list): for term_b in self._list[i+1:]: yield (term_a, term_b)
[docs] def similarity( self, other: 'HPOSet', kind: str = '', method: str = '', combine: str = 'funSimAvg' ) -> float: """ Calculates the similarity to another HPOSet According to Robinson et al, American Journal of Human Genetics, (2008) and Pesquita et al, BMC Bioinformatics, (2008) Parameters ---------- other: HPOSet Another HPOSet to measure the similarity to kind: str, default ``''`` Which kind of information content should be calculated. Options are ['omim', 'orpha', 'decipher', 'gene'] See :func:`pyhpo.HPOTerm.similarity_score` for options method: string, default ``''`` The method to use to calculate the similarity. See :func:`pyhpo.HPOTerm.similarity_score` for options Additional options: * **equal** - Calculates exact matches between both sets combine: string, default ``funSimAvg`` The method to combine similarity measures. Available options: * **funSimAvg** - Schlicker A, BMC Bioinformatics, (2006) * **funSimMax** - Schlicker A, BMC Bioinformatics, (2006) * **BMA** - Deng Y, et. al., PLoS One, (2015) Returns ------- float The similarity score to the other HPOSet """ if method == 'equal': return self._equality_score(other) score_matrix = HPOSet._sim_score(self, other, kind, method) row_maxes = [ max([v for v in row]) for row in score_matrix.rows ] col_maxes = [ max([v for v in col]) for col in score_matrix.columns ] try: if combine == 'funSimAvg': return ( sum(row_maxes)/len(row_maxes) + sum(col_maxes)/len(col_maxes) )/2 if combine == 'funSimMax': return max([ sum(row_maxes)/len(row_maxes), sum(col_maxes)/len(col_maxes) ]) if combine == 'BMA': return ( (sum(row_maxes) + sum(col_maxes)) / (len(row_maxes) + len(col_maxes)) ) except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 raise RuntimeError('Invalid combine method specified')
def _equality_score(self, other: 'HPOSet') -> float: """ Returns an equality similarity score. Only exact matches between both sets are counted and the fraction of exact matches is returned. A score of 1 means both sets match 100%, 0.5 means only half the terms have an exact match. This method does not take advantage of the ontology and does not take distance measures into account. Parameters ---------- other: HPOSet Another HPOSet to measure the similarity to Returns ------- float The similarity score to the other HPOSet """ if not len(self) or not len(other): return 0 matches = 0 for term1 in self: for term2 in other: if term1 == term2: matches += 1 return matches / max([len(self), len(other)]) @staticmethod def _sim_score( set1: 'HPOSet', set2: 'HPOSet', kind: str = '', method: str = '' ) -> Matrix: """ Calculates similarity matrix between HPOSets .. warning:: This method should not be used by itself. Use :func:`pyhpo.set.HPOSet.similarity` instead. Parameters ---------- set1: HPOSet One HPOSet to measure the similarity from set2: HPOSet Another HPOSet to measure the similarity to kind: str Which kind of information content should be calculated. See :function:`pyhpo.HPOTerm.similarity_score` for options method: string The method to use to calculate the similarity. See :function:`pyhpo.HPOTerm.similarity_score` for options Returns ------- float The one-way similarity from one to the other HPOSet """ if not len(set1) or not len(set2): return Matrix(0, 0) scores = [] for set1_term in set1: for set2_term in set2: scores.append( set1_term.similarity_score(set2_term, kind, method) ) return Matrix(len(set1), len(set2), scores)
[docs] @classmethod def from_queries(cls, queries: List[Union[int, str]]) -> 'HPOSet': """ Builds an HPO set by specifying a list of queries to run on the :class:`pyhpo.ontology.Ontology` Parameters ---------- queries: list of (string or int) The queries to be run the identify the HPOTerm from the ontology Returns ------- :class:`pyhpo.set.HPOSet` A new HPOset Examples -------- :: ci = HPOSet([ 'Scoliosis', 'HP:0001234', 12 ]) """ return cls([ Ontology.get_hpo_object(query) for query in queries ])
[docs] @classmethod def from_serialized(cls, pickle: str) -> 'HPOSet': """ Re-Builds an HPO set from a serialized HPOSet object Parameters ---------- pickle: str The serialized HPOSet object Returns ------- :class:`pyhpo.set.HPOSet` A new HPOset Examples -------- :: ci = HPOSet(ontology, '12+24+66628') """ return cls([ Ontology.get_hpo_object(int(query)) for query in pickle.split('+') ])
[docs] def serialize(self) -> str: """ Creates a string serialization that can be used to rebuild the same HPOSet via :func:`pyhpo.set.HPOSet.from_serialized` Returns ------- str A string representation of the HPOSet """ ids = [str(x) for x in sorted([int(x) for x in self])] return '+'.join(ids)
[docs] def toJSON(self, verbose: bool = False) -> List[dict]: """ Creates a JSON-like object of the HPOSet Parameters ---------- verbose: bool, default ``False`` Include extra properties of the HPOTerm Returns ------- list of dict a list of HPOTerm dict objects """ return [t.toJSON(verbose) for t in self._list]
def __str__(self) -> str: return '{}: {}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join([ for x in self._list]) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}.from_serialized("{}")'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.serialize() )
[docs]class BasicHPOSet(HPOSet): """ Child of :class:`.HPOSet` that automatically: * removes parent terms * removes modifier terms * replaces obsolete terms """ def __init__(self, items: Iterable['pyhpo.HPOTerm']) -> None: HPOSet.__init__(self, []) for item in items: self.add(item) def add(self, item: 'pyhpo.HPOTerm') -> None: """ Overwrites ``set.add`` to ensure we keep the ``self._list`` property updated and don't add modifiers, obsolete or parent terms as well """ if item in self: return None if item.is_modifier: return None for term in self: if item.parent_of(term): return None for p in item.all_parents: if p in self: self.remove(p) set.add(self, item) self._list.append(item)