Source code for pyhpo.annotations

from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Set, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Annotation(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str
    hpo: Set[int] = set()
    _hash: int
    _json_keys = set(['id', 'name'])

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Union[int, str]) -> None:
        self._hash = hash((,

    def toJSON(self, verbose: bool = False) -> dict:
        Backwards compatibility method
        BaseModel include ``.json`` method

        verbose: bool, default: ``False``
            Return all associated HPOTerms

            A dict with the following keys
            (additional keys might be present, depending on the class)

            * **id** - The HGNC ID
            * **name** - The gene symbol
            * **hpo** - (If ``verbose == True``):
              set of :class:`pyhpo.term.HPOTerm`
        res = {}
        for key in self._json_keys:
            res[key] = self.__getattribute__(key)
        if verbose:
            res['hpo'] = self.hpo
        return res

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, int):
            return == other

        if isinstance(other, str):
            return == other

        return hash(self) == hash(other)

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return self._hash

    def __str__(self) -> str:

    class Config:
        allow_mutation = True
        underscore_attrs_are_private = True

[docs]class GeneSingleton(Annotation): """ An instance of ``GeneSingleton`` represents a single gene. .. note:: ``GeneSingleton`` should never be initiated directly, but only via :class:`.GeneDict` to ensure that every gene is only created once. Attributes ---------- id: int HGNC gene ID name: str HGNC gene synbol symbol: str HGNC gene symbol (alias of :attr:``) hpo: set of :class:`pyhpo.term.HPOTerm` all HPOTerms associated to the gene Parameters ---------- id: int HGNC gene ID name: str HGNC gene synbol """ _json_keys = set(['id', 'name', 'symbol']) @property def symbol(self) -> str: return
[docs]class GeneDict(dict): """ An associative dict of all genes Ensures that every gene is a single GeneSingleton instance and no duplicate instances are generated during parsing of the Gen-Pheno-HPO associations. This class is initilized once and genes are created by calling the instance of GeneDict to ensure that the same gene exists only once. For example :: Gene = GeneDict() gba = Gene(symbol='GBA') ezh2 = Gene(symbol='EZH2') gba_2 = Gene(symbol='GBA') gba is ezh2 >> False gba is gba_2 >> True Parameters ---------- cols: list, default: ``None`` Only used for backwards compatibility reasons. Should have the following entries * None * None * HGNC-ID * Gene symbol hgncid: int The HGNC ID symbol: str The gene symbol (alternative to name) Returns ------- :class:`.GeneSingleton` """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._indicies: Dict[int, GeneSingleton] = {} self._names: Dict[str, GeneSingleton] = {} def __call__( self, hgncid: int, symbol: str ) -> GeneSingleton: try: return self._names[symbol] except KeyError: pass try: return self._indicies[hgncid] except KeyError: pass gene = GeneSingleton(id=hgncid, name=symbol) # type: ignore self[gene] = gene self._indicies[hgncid] = gene self._names[symbol] = gene return gene def clear(self) -> None: """ Removes all Genes to start with blank state. There are almot zero use-cases to ever call this method in client-side code. If you use code, that modifies the ``GeneDict`` class a lot, you might use this. Under normal circumstences, this should not be needed. Currently, the primary use case is to clean up the state for unittests. """ self._indicies.clear() self._names.clear() dict.clear(self) def get( self, query: Union[int, str], default: Any = None ) -> GeneSingleton: """ Allows client to query for a gene by both ID and symbol. This method is useful for client that do not want to add new genes Parameters ---------- query: int or str The (most likely user supplied) query. Can be either the HGNC-ID or the gene symbol Returns ------- GeneSingleton If a gene is found, it is returned. Otherwise an Error is raised """ try: idx: int = int(query) return self._indicies[idx] except (ValueError, KeyError): idx = None # type: ignore[assignment] # desired try: return self._names[str(query)] except KeyError: raise KeyError('No gene found for query')
[docs]class DiseaseSingleton(Annotation): """ This class represents a single disease. .. note:: ``DiseaseSingleton`` should never be initiated directly, but only via the appropriate disease dictionary, e.g. :class:`.OmimDict` (:class:`.DiseaseDict`) to ensure that every disease is only created once. Attributes ---------- id: int Disease ID name: str disease name hpo: set of :class:`pyhpo.term.HPOTerm` all HPOTerms associated to the disease negative_hpo: set of :class:`pyhpo.term.HPOTerm` HPOTerms not associated to the disease Parameters ---------- id: int Disease ID name: str Disease name """ diseasetype = 'Undefined' negative_hpo: Set[int] = set()
class OmimDisease(DiseaseSingleton): diseasetype = 'Omim' class OrphaDisease(DiseaseSingleton): diseasetype = 'Orpha' class DecipherDisease(DiseaseSingleton): diseasetype = 'Decipher'
[docs]class DiseaseDict(dict): """ An associative dict of all Omim Diseases Ensures that every Omim Disease is a single OmimDisease instance and no duplicate instances are generated during parsing of the Gen-Pheno-HPO associations. This class is initilized once and diseases are created by calling the instance of ``DiseaseDict`` to ensure that the same disease exists only once. For example :: Disease = OmimDict() gaucher = Disease(diseaseid=1) fabry = Disease(diseaseid=2) gaucher_2 = Disease(diseaseid=1) gaucher is fabry >> False gaucher is gaucher_2 >> True Parameters ---------- cols: list, default: ``None`` Only used for backwards compatibility reasons. Should have the following entries * None * Disease ID * Disease Name diseaseid: int The Disease ID name: str The disease name Returns ------- :class:`.DiseaseSingleton` """ disease_class: ClassVar = None def __init__(self) -> None: self._indicies: Dict[int, DiseaseSingleton] = {} def __call__( self, diseaseid: int, name: str ) -> DiseaseSingleton: assert self.disease_class try: return self._indicies[diseaseid] except KeyError: pass disease: DiseaseSingleton = self.disease_class(id=diseaseid, name=name) self[disease] = disease self._indicies[diseaseid] = disease return disease def clear(self) -> None: """ Removes all Diseases to start with blank state. There are almot zero use-cases to ever call this method in client-side code. If you use code, that modifies the ``DiseaseDict`` class a lot, you might use this. Under normal circumstences, this should not be needed. Currently, the primary use case is to clean up the state for unittests. """ self._indicies.clear() dict.clear(self) def get( self, query: Union[int, str], default: Any = None ) -> DiseaseSingleton: """ Allows client to query for a disease by ID. This method is useful for client that do not want to add new diseases Parameters ---------- query: int The (most likely user supplied) query for Disease ID. Returns ------- DiseaseSingleton If a disease is found, it is returned. Otherwise an Error is raised """ try: idx = int(query) return self._indicies[idx] except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid Disease ID supplied') except KeyError: raise KeyError('No disease found for query')
class OmimDict(DiseaseDict): disease_class = OmimDisease class OrphaDict(DiseaseDict): disease_class = OrphaDisease class DecipherDict(DiseaseDict): disease_class = DecipherDisease Omim = OmimDict() Orpha = OrphaDict() Decipher = DecipherDict() Gene = GeneDict()